We Dinner Ladies are not ones to blow our own trumpets (we’d rather others do it for us...) but we can’t keep this piece of news to ourselves. We were very happy to be nominated for the Business Excellence Award (headcount >75) at the inaugural Hive Awards for the food and drink industry. So far, so thrilling. Then we discovered we were finalists! As our fellow contender for the award was a little outfit called Mondelez (you may have heard of a few of their brands, like Cadbury’s), we booked a table for the awards lunch more in the spirit of industry collegiality - and love of a good lunch - than expectation.
And, wouldja credit it? We won! So very, very proud of the wonderful team here – you mightn’t know them by name but you see – and taste – the results of their incredible dedication, hard work and heart every time you scroll the menu, call our customer service desk, receive a carefully packed box or sit down to a beautiful dinner.